A bundle of blue joy ...

It was an extremely hot and humid when we shot this set of photographs for Baby Kaius and his lovely family who are also long time friends of mine last november in the unassuming Punggol Park . I am so honoured to have the opportunity to help Vivian and HC document not just baby Kaius inside his mummy's tummy but also his very first birthday shoot!

Kaius the little sailor boy having his first year old nautical themed photoshoot in Punggol Park

A little sailor it was ...

When Vivian approached me to create this photoshoot for Baby Kaius and her family, the first thing I asked was what theme would it be and where would we shoot? Basic questions I ask every client before we embark on creating a beautiful memory together.

We were so excited and brainstormed and scoured the internet endlessly for ideas. However with so many options and possibilities swimming around, it was almost a torture to only select one! And as a working mother of three beautiful kids under ten, busy is an understatement for Vivian who could only work in whatever pockets of down-time available to her.

As a photographer, I knew planning was essential to ensure the successful execution of a photoshoot and I can't start any pre-production without a solid theme. And I definitely got a wee bit anxious when the date started drawing near and we were still drawing empty. But when God enables, everything clicks. I suddenly remembered how much Vivian loved the sea and the numerous nautical decorations in her home and messaged her " What do you think about a Nautical theme for Kaius?". It was an instant Yes!

And so a little baby sailor it was!

The sweetest sisters

While Baby Kaius is probably one of the cutest little sailor you'll ever meet, the K sisters definitely gave him a run for his money! Lively, sweet and spontaneous, it was hard not to love little Karissa and Kayla in their beautiful white dresses! Even though it's not their birthday, we still got a lot of cute sister and siblings portraits!

Two lovely sisters in white dresses on a white picnic mat in Punggol Park

Happy family

Of course, with a new family member (a little prince!) , new family photos was in order!

With 3 young, excited and rambunctious little adults calling the shots, I'll leave it to your imagination the "liveliness" of that humid afternoon in Punggol Park hehe. While picture perfect shots are necessary, I very much prefer photo-journalistic photographs that capture the moment, the emotion and the personality of the profiles. After all, if we were meant to be picture perfect mannequins, then where's the fun in life?

I absolutely love Karissa's spontaneous expression here! Tells you EXACTLY what kind of personality she has!

Venue: Punggol Park


Celebrating the birthday of a one year old is always so much more than just a party. It's giving thanks to a precious life that thrived a full year and a pat on the shoulders of the parents who are truly super heroes. I hope when baby Kaius looks back at these photographs in the future, he will see how he was loved. We look forward to being able to see him grow up! Happy belated birthday, little blessed sailor!

